Fruit cobbler is a classic favorite dessert at our house. My mother taught me this recipe a long time ago and I have made it countless times. This super simple apple cobbler takes about 5 minutes to put together and you can do it in the pan you are cooking in! That means no extra mess to clean up!
2 cans of your fruit pie filling of choice. I chose apple today because it feels like fall to me. I have also made peach and blackberry cobbler before and they are always a hit!
1 box of Jiffy Yellow Cake Mix. The brand is specific on this. I am not sure how any other yellow cake mix would do but if you try it with another brand please let us know. Jiffy is a brand that has been around forever but recently it has been harder and harder to find the yellow cake mix in stores due to shipping and supply demands. If you see it in your local grocery store, I would go ahead and grab 2-3 boxes. They retail for around $1 a box. (Their cornbread mix is really good too!) To find what store usually carries it, go here.
A stick of butter. You may not use the entire stick of butter. It depends on the pan you choose to cook. I usually use at least half a stick but no more than 3/4ths when I make this cobbler.
Optional: Cinnamon sugar to sprinkle on top and I highly recommend a gallon of vanilla ice cream to go with it. We love Blue Bell Vanilla at our house!
Super Simple Apple Cobbler
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
Empty the two cans of fruit pie filling into your pan of choice. Spread them out to create an even flat layer as best you can.

Sprinkle the box of Jiffy Yellow Cake Mix to form an even layer on top of the fruit filling. Be sure to get the corners. I usually use the entire box or close to it for a pan this size. You don’t want it to be a super thick layer- maybe a little less than a half inch thick.

Slice your butter into thin squares and evenly space them apart across the pan. This butter will melt in the oven and spread out over and into the cake mix. (This is why you don’t want it to be a super thick layer of mix to begin with) Think about the butter melting onto the surface area of the cake mix and place the butter pads accordingly. Be sure to add a little extra bit to the corners and into any peaks of fruit that may be sticking up.

Place in the oven and set your timer for 30 minutes. I check mine about halfway to make sure all the butter is melting evenly over the top. Sometimes I add another square here or there to any dry spots I see. At the end of 30 minutes, the top will be a light golden brown and your fruit will be bubbling!

Remove from the oven and let cool for just a minute. Not too long. If you want a little extra this is when you could sprinkle the cinnamon sugar on top. Serve in a bowl with a scoop of ice cream on top. It is divine!

That is it! No mixing bowls to clean up too! I have prepared it in advance all but cooking, covered it and kept it in the refrigerator also. Then I place it in the oven while we eat dinner and it is ready for dessert time. This super simple apple cobbler is a great fall treat and we love the blackberry in the summertime. Do you have a super easy dessert that you go to? We would love to hear about it!