Just Fine Isn’t Good Enough

| January 29, 2020
Category: Life Lessons
person microwaving food
person microwaving food

Around our office, when it’s time for a lunch gathering, we are looking to hear the words “fine”. We have a couple of picky eaters – not naming names, so generally, if you can get a group of 7 people to say fine, it’s a win. 

Recently I was warming up some leftovers in the microwave and I hit that magic spot where it was just fine. It wasn’t cold but it wasn’t hot either where it ruined the food or would burn my mouth. 

In both cases – our picky eater and my leftovers – we were settling. Our picky eaters definitely have a preference where they want to go, but they find something that will work. Leftovers aren’t always my preference compared to a freshly cooked meal, but I was able to make it work.

I’ve got food analogies for days. Just wait. 

Not Just Fine

It got me thinking, and I drew a parallel to our work at Dogwood. For lunch or leftovers, fine works, but not for what we do. If a client of ours says it’s fine, we’ve missed the mark. We always strive for excellence in everything we do. We want to be the restaurant that all 7 people in the office are excited about going to or that freshly cooked meal. 

It’s not just talking – it’s part of our process. Even when a site is considered complete, at least 2-3 other people on the staff will tear it apart. You have to have thick skin because we look for everything. We click all the links, enter information in the forms, etc. We basically want to find every flaw so that our client never sees them. 

Our social media posts, graphics, blogs, ads – it makes us absolutely sick for a mistake to happen. Do they happen? Of course. We’re not perfect – but we strive for perfection and have placed stop gaps and checks and balances in place to make sure they happen less.

All this to say – we look forward to working with you in the future and showing you that just fine isn’t good enough. Let’s get the conversation started.

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The Journal
The Dogwood Journal is an online magazine produced by Dogwood Media Solutions based out of Montgomery, Alabama.


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