We Are on Mission, Not on Pause

On Behalf of Mike Northcutt
| May 7, 2019
Category: Inspiration
pause picture on mission blog
pause picture on mission blog

God has put a lot on my heart to write today about missions, mothers, and ministry, so I will be brief. (A preacher’s definition of brief may not be the same as yours.)

1. We can either resign, whine, or shine when facing troubles.

That is what David Giles told me years ago. The temptation to give up or only complain is strong. Life is not fair, nor painless. But those who choose to shine by trusting God discover a calming sustaining power. When Naomi Judd learned she had an illness that would end her road tours and start retirement, she said, “This is not my tombstone; it’s a stepping stone.” We can resign, whine or shine. Let’s be stars.

2. “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” (William Ross Wallace, 1865)

I know of no more powerful influence on a child’s life than that of mothers. I hope you will honor your mother this Mother’s Day. If she is no longer living, pause to thank God for her life and influence. A parent’s love can’t be paid back, but it can be passed on. And to young mothers, I say, “Keep up the great work”.

Helen Young wrote: “There will be a time when there will be no slamming of doors, no toys on the stairs, no childhood quarrels, no fingerprints on the wallpaper… then may I look back with joy and not regret.”

3. We are not on pause, we are on mission.

Soon Eastmont will have an interim pastor to provide leadership. During this season, churches often go into maintenance mode and forget about their mission. I don’t believe that will happen at Eastmont. Pray with me that more than ever we are united and focused on reaching the lost and making disciples. This has been my hope from the first day with you.

4. What you feed grows, what you starve dies.

I am so proud of our 2019 graduates. You have grown up in a world that is spiritually starving. The Ten Commandments may not be allowed on public property, but they must never be removed from your heart. While you live in this world, you do not have to become like this world. Resist spiritual erosion by remaining close to Christ and always involved in His church.

5. Finally, I believe one micro-mission trip does more than 50 sermons.

Visit, witness, give or minister to someone this week.

This post was originally shared here at eastmont.org. If you have a submission that you would like to share, send it our way!

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