5 Ways to Revamp Your Resume

On Behalf of Stratice
| May 13, 2020
paper next to computer to prepare a resume
paper next to computer to prepare a resume

Your resume is the way to provide a summary of your experiences, abilities, skills, and accomplishments. It is the perfect tool to showcase who you are and all that you are capable of, so you want to make sure it is done just right!

Here are a few tips on how you can revamp your resume:

1. Proofread.

Proofreading is one of the easiest ways to make sure that you are represented well. Typos happen all too often, and many times slide by without you noticing. One way to easily set yourself apart in a bad way is to have misspelled words or incorrect grammar usage.

After having looked over it and correcting any mistakes yourself, it might be helpful to pass it on to somebody else. A fresh set of eyes might see something that you didn’t catch.

2. Concise is key.

Though it can be difficult, it’s important to not be too wordy when detailing out your resume. Knowing how to say exactly what needs to be said in the fewest words possible is no easy task but will do a great deal in the overall look and readability of your resume.

Try to keep the entirety of the document at or under 2 pages in length. Many times, employers want to be able to take just a few glances to get an overall picture of you. They typically do not care to read several paragraphs that might take more than 5 minutes of their time.

colorful resume and laptop

3. Keep it professional and simple.

Unless you are applying for a job where the creativity of your resume is important you don’t want to add too many “extras” to the design. Keep the format simple and professional. Some easy ways to do this are by choosing no more than 2 fonts and making sure that all fonts are clear, easy to read, and not too decorative.

4. Tailor it for the job you want.

If you are applying for a specific job you want your resume to speak to exactly what the employer is looking for. Do your research on the position you are applying for and tailor it towards the job that you want.

Use specific keywords from the job description. Consider the skills that you list and the abilities you describe that you have. Do they fit the space that they are looking to fill? Do not leave them any opportunity to guess whether or not you are qualified.

5. Make your contact information prominent.

It is vital that you make it easy for the employer to know how to get in touch with you. Make sure that your contact information, including your phone number and email address, is listed in a prominent place. If the design allows, make it bold-faced.

If you have a LinkedIn account, be sure to include that in your list of contact information. However, be sure that your LinkedIn profile is also a correct representation of who you are and what you offer. Just having an account is not enough- it must be optimized!

If you are looking for some online resources to help build your resume and tailor it to whatever industry you are going into, check these out:
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3

A well-rounded resume is sure to set you up for your next success! If you need some help making this happen, reach out to Stratice today. We would love to help you build your strongest resume to impress!

This post was originally shared here by Stratice. If you have content you would like featured in the Dogwood Journal, visit our submissions page.

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