Reply All: The Scourge of Email

| October 18, 2019
angry man reply all
angry man reply all

Forgive my tongue in cheek rant today but we’ve got to address this first-world problem that steals so much time from our lives – the reply all.

Imagine, someone sends out a building-wide email about company news or even something personal. It was easier to tell everyone at the same time about the news. It’s what the building-wide email was made for. Then it begins. Another person hits reply all with their response. Someone else feels the need to chime in too. After all, not everyone knows your thoughts on the subject. Next thing you know you’ve received 10 emails that have no application to you.

In today’s blog, I want to address this along with ways to combat it. And the word combat was used on purpose. It’s war.

Should I Use Reply All?

It sounds simple but in all truth, you’re reading this so you know people still do it. Don’t add to it. I can’t think of any time you should hit reply all. Not even on the pot luck lunch. Go create a signup genius form and send it out, they’re free!

I really thought about titling this blog “when should I hit reply all?” and just having the word “never” be the content. I may still do that one day.

What To Use Instead

We all get it. You’re excited. But let’s reply individually to the person to express that you are excited for them, praying for them, etc. You can even be more detailed and personal when you aren’t sending it out to everyone on the list.

As the sender, consider using BCC in your email to the group. Using BCC removes the option of replying to all. This can also protect everyone’s email address from getting poached if your list is beyond just your internal company.

Did you know?

Each day, the average office worker receives 121 emails. Based on my email inbox currently, at least 25% of that has to be “reply all” comments. That percentage isn’t ground in facts – it’s just what it feels like. But still, in reality, imagine the productivity that could be returned to our days if we took the time to reply individually as needed.

I can’t end this post without at least one plug for Dogwood. Contact us for any of your digital marketing needs. Seriously, we’re really good at what we do. We’re also big-time against the reply-all button. Unified front.

There may actually be some business purposes on occasion. Make sure the discussion involves all on the email. If it doesn’t, remove those not needed from the email curse of the unneeded reply all.

In all seriousness, my hope was for a light-hearted jab at what is an occasional annoyance.

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