Stroller warrior, Tiffany Waller first laced up her running shoes five years ago. It was right after her first baby, and she wanted to drop a little weight.
But it wasn’t long before it became her therapy.
“I was hooked on racing after completing my first 5K,” she said. She’s done countless 5Ks, 10Ks, and 15Ks, and this year’s Montgomery Half Marathon will be her third half.
Last summer she did a 100-day run streak, running at least a mile every day.
“I then ran another streak from Halloween to New Year’s Day to combat those extra holiday calories,” she said.
She’s done most of those miles with a stroller.

It’s something that’s led Tiffany to a new community of friends — a group of women who call themselves “mother runners.”
“I coordinate a running club at Hurlburt Field, Florida, called Stroller Warriors, which has chapters all over the world,” she said. “It’s an inclusive running club for military spouses that focuses on team building, resiliency, and self-improvement. These ladies are the strongest and most inspiring women you will ever meet. I owe most of my running success to these ladies.”
Life is busy, so to keep herself running, Tiffany holds to a pretty tight schedule.
“I run at least three days a week; usually first thing in the morning after I drop my oldest son off at school,” she said. “I don’t like to procrastinate when it comes to running because I know that if I wait too late in the day, I won’t make time for it. The rest of the day is spent doing schoolwork and hanging out with my youngest son.”
Tiffany also works part-time in the U.S. Air Force Reserve.
“Luckily, the work schedule provides a lot of flexibility,” she said. “During race season, I like to get up early on Saturdays for a long run with friends. I absolutely could not do any of it though without the support of my husband and my two boys always cheering me on.”
When she signed up for her first race five years ago — a color run with some friends — she never dreamed she’d get hooked. But that’s what happened.
“I love the adrenaline rush you get with a large crowd on race day,” Tiffany said. “There’s just no other feeling like it. I have come to love running in ways I never thought possible.”
For anyone thinking of doing a half marathon or starting to run for the very first time, she said her advice is something she read once — “Run the mile you’re in.”
“I encourage you to let go of whatever it is that’s holding you back from taking that first step and see where the road takes you,” she said. “If you can’t run, then start walking. Life is about progress, not perfection. And so it is with running; just keep progressing and you too will accomplish your goals.”
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