
A Girl with Scraped Knees

| June 28, 2021
Category: Inspiration
woman sitting on ground wearing white sweater and ripped jeans
woman sitting on ground wearing white sweater and ripped jeans

When the rubber meets the road and you are pressed to the ground, you learn what you’re made of. I had someone tell me one time I was “gritty.” I can’t say I took that as a compliment in the moment, and honestly wasn’t sure what they meant. However, through the years I have learned the value of having a little grit and a few scraped knees. 

I am confident the Lord has used these scars (both literal and figurative) to prepare me for the not-so-comfortable parts of life, to show me how to endure in the midst of trials, and teach me many lessons. So don’t underestimate the power of a few scraped knees and what they can teach you.

Things Don’t Always Go Your Way 

My falls have taught me that things won’t always work out the way I plan. Accepting that reality is one of the hardest lessons to learn, but one of the greatest! When accidents happen, plans fail, and life is interrupted by a sudden fall, we are given the opportunity to trust God completely. When I am not in control, it forces me to rely on Him and on His strength. 

We may not see it when we’re frustrated and in pain, but these moments are opportunities of grace and one of the reasons I am most thankful for my scraped knees. 

We’re Imperfect and That’s Ok

A scraped knee is the most obvious representation of our imperfections. But there’s just something to be said about learning there will be moments of “failure” in this life, because it causes us to look to something greater than ourselves. Those humbling moments have helped me understand I can’t do everything on my own and that is OK! We weren’t meant to. 

It also allows us to take our eyes off ourselves and empathize with others. When people see our flaws, walls are broken down and we are relatable. Why? Because not one person is perfect

Be Willing to Try 

I can vividly remember the first time I fell off my bike when I learned to ride and felt the sting of the wound on my knee. It hurt…bad. I also remember the sting of different kinds of rejection over the years. But I can always look back with thankfulness that I tried. Today, I don’t see those moments as failures but instead as an opportunity to try again. 

If I had never gotten back on my bike after that initial fall, I never would have had the chance to spend quality time riding bikes with my dad, or fly down a hill experiencing the rush of the wind! To this day those are some of my favorite memories. And in the same way, if it weren’t for those moments of rejection I never would have ended up where I am today! 

Stay on Your Knees

“My dear friend, when grief presses you to the dust, worship there” – Charles Spurgeon 

This is one of my favorite quotes. Life does, and will, bring you to your knees at times. And when that happens stay there! Scraped knees have taught me how to worship when circumstances are not ideal and how to rejoice even in the midst of suffering because of who God is and what he has done for us. These moments on my knees have taught me that this is the best place to be – surrendered and submitted to the Lord who is capable of all things!

There’s something to be said for learning to accept the fact that there will be moments of “failure” in this life and to look for something greater than yourself. Those humbling moments only aided my understanding that I can’t do everything on my own and that is OK! We weren’t meant to. And while independence sounds wonderful, left to ourselves we will grow weary and disappointed far too quickly. 

So these knees may be scarred, but that just means my life is too – scarred for the better! 

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