5 Quarantine Reading Recommendations

On Behalf of Michael Sasser
| July 8, 2020
Category: Recommendations
Book Suggestions
Book Suggestions

For all of you bookworms out there, and those who aren’t, allow me to share a few books that will help ease your mind off the troubles of the world. Reading hasn’t always come naturally to me. Frankly, when I was younger, I hated reading. My parents would designate a time of day for my siblings and me to read whatever book they assigned to us. That hour or two that I had to read would drag by slower than me in the morning getting out of bed.

In high school, I can count on one hand how many books I actually read despite them all being required reading for whatever assignments were due (Thank you, SparkNotes!). It wasn’t until my Sophomore year of college when my love for reading really kicked in. I read about 10 books within 6 months whether a physical copy or audible.

I know the world is very depressing right now and it’s hard to clear your head. I wanted to compile a list of books that I believe will not only ease your mind but will take you on a new adventure that you’ll never forget. Many of these recommendations will be book series so you can continue your journeys, but some of them are stand-alone books.

Reading Recommendations

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

Appropriate for all ages.

This recommendation is a bit cliché, but this series is a personal favorite of mine. Tolkien introduces you to a new race of beings and how they play into the epic tale that is the Fall of the Lord of the Rings. The book creates a new world with its own lore and mythology. The many unique characters, beautifully descriptive writing and unusual creatures will enthrall you till the final page.

For you enthusiasts who are happy to see this top the list, they just published some new editions of the novel but they’re only available overseas. That being said, I do hear that you can order them on Amazon, just from the U.K. edition of the site. If you really enjoy the book, I’d recommend the Silmarillion by Tolkien; it provides tons of background on the world and is essentially written like a history book. Reward yourself with a movie marathon once you’ve completed your journey.

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

Appropriate for all ages.

Where to begin with this one. These books have kept my fiancée busy for over a month and she’s been knocking out a book just about every couple of days while she’s been able to. It’s also spawned its own movie marathon for us to enjoy. The world that Rowling crafts is interwoven within our own. While us “muggles” are walking about our daily lives, the wizards and witches run to and fro saving themselves (and us too for that matter) from a dark and malevolent threat. The story of Harry Potter is easy to follow and wonderful to experience. You cannot go wrong with this one.

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

Appropriate for all ages.

Many successful authors seem to abbreviate their first two names, maybe I should follow suit. The inspiration of faith cannot be denied with the Chronicles of Narnia. Lewis set out to write a story and simply weaved in elements of the real world into his fantasy. This series is less dark than the previous two. While it does address some real-world elements, especially in The Last Battle, the novels are still relatively light-hearted and a breeze to read. It’s quite possible to finish one in a single day if you put forth the effort.

Star Wars: Heir to the Empire and the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn

Appropriate for all ages.

For you science fiction fans out there, this should really scratch the itch. The Heir to the Empire trilogy revolves mostly around the legends (old canon) for Star Wars and includes the heroes that most kids grew up with including Luke Skywalker and Han and Leia Solo. The villain, Thrawn, almost single-handedly brings down the New Republic that was built shortly after the Empire fell. There are many twists and turns and they are considered some of the best Star Wars books of all time. The Thrawn Trilogy is more of a Sherlock Holmes series placed in the Star Wars universe. Either series are more than worth your time.

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

Recommended for middle school level and up.

You’ve seen London in many different lights, but never like this one. I’ll keep spoilers to a minimum, but you can really connect with the main character who is taken on a whimsical journey into the secret world that lies beneath London. If you ever walk around in London after finishing this novel, you’ll feel the urge to find your own path to that secret land.

This post was originally shared here at sassersreviews.wordpress.com. If you have a submission that you would like to share, send it our way!

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